Contact us
Please contact us
Please reach out with questions or concerns
The PALS board meet every month, usually on the second Wednesday of the month, to discuss current events, upcoming plans and sport program development. The first part of the meetings are open to the public and any parent is welcome to attend if they wish to participate or bring a concern before the board. Please contact the president to confirm the time and location if you wish to attend.
PALS Board elections are held every year in May. Each year half of the positions are up for election so that the whole board cannot change over at one time. We are a volunteer organization and more help is always needed. If you are interested in more information or running for a position, please contact a member of the current board to get your name on the ballot. An intent to seek office form must be complete and submitted to an executive board member prior to April 30 to get your name on the ballot.
President- The President shall preside at all PALS meetings. He shall be responsible for seeing that the By-laws & Rules are carried out and enforced. He is responsible for the day-to-day operation of PALS. He shall be responsible for notifying Board members of all regular and special meetings. Liaison between school and board.
Vice President-In the absence of the President, the Vice President will chair the meeting. Responsibilities include: insurance policies for all sports and file insurance claims, background checks, organize “picture day” for all sports, mail and all correspondence.
Treasurer - financial officer of PALS and shall be responsible for presenting a written financial report at the monthly general meeting. Responsibilities include: keeping all financial records and purchase orders/receipts for all uniforms, equipment, etc and filing and recording all Federal and/or State Tax documents that pertain to PALS financial matters.
Secretary- Prep the agenda for the monthly PALS meeting. Shall record and maintain minutes of all meetings. Shall keep a current copy of the by-laws; keep a record of all PALS activities, rosters of officers, coordinators, coaches and sponsors. Shall be responsible for storing copies of all participant birth certificates.
Webmaster/Program Director- Responsibilities include: the design and upkeep of the PALS website, registrations, the posting all information about signups, game schedules, meetings and any other information pertaining to PALS to the website and updating social media. Responsible for record keeping and program administration duties.
The Commissioners duties shall be the registration of all players and teams within their sport and appoint such Assistants as necessary to carry out this function, after approval of the Board. Handle complaints in regard to the sport and take immediate disciplinary action against coaches, assistant coaches, managers, registered players, or teams within the sport. Run the day-to-day operation necessary to their sport and must be present at ALL home games. Payment of all officials and volunteer hours for youth workers. Confirm all facilities are secure and lights are off after all games and practices. Selection of all Head Coaches, assistant coaches and parent volunteers. Conduct a coach meeting with ALL coaches PRIOR to start of season to go over league rules, coaches code of conduct, scheduling, etc. Select and present a uniform to the Board. Distribute and collect all equipment and the beginning and end of the league season. Attend random practices to evaluate coaching techniques. Coordinate all information for tournament to head coaches. Attend all league, district and/or state meetings and reporting all new information from these meetings to the Board. Any other tasks that may be assigned to them by the Board.
Program Director/Webmaster
If you are interested in a position that is not open for election this year please reach out to the current board member and see other ways to get involved.
Special thanks to Stephanie Guyer who owns Simply Life photography and has so kindly dedicated hours of her own time volunteering to take pictures during all our PALs youth sports to capture some truly special moments for parents to enjoy after the thrill of the game has passed. Please follow and support her local business!